I   INFORMATIE-BRONNEN voeding en gezondheid (Noni)    

WEBSHOP VOOR KRUIDEN: http://www.bio-sappen.nl 


Tip: Counseling bij gezonde leefstijl; voeding en yoga: https://healthy-habits.nl/


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III Geneeskracht van noni-sap (Morinda Citr.)
Onderzoek naar Noni:
Artikel in: Arts en Apotheker 6/2004 pp. 14-18 en Arts en Apotheker 1/2005 p. 10-16.
- www.chinaphar.com/1671-4083/23/1127.htm
- Onderzoek over de werking door farmacoloog Prof. Dr. J. Westendorf
- www.medivera.nl/noni_001.htm
- http://www.noniresearch.org/united_states/english/research/new_research.html




Observations Made During the Experiment for Treatment of Acute Respiratory Viral Infections with Concentrated Liquid Extract of Noni Fruit, Lechitel Health Center, Sofia, Bulgaria, March 2005

Lung Cancer: More Hope with Samento and Noni
Cancer Fix Magazine, Singapore, February 2005

Noni Extract Recommend To Treat Colds And Flu
What's the Alternative, Sunday Times, London, England, December 2004

Would you like to recover from colds and influenza in 3 hours?
James Howenstine, MD, NewsWithViews.com, November 2004

Morinda Citrifolia Has Very Weak Estrogenic Activity In Vivo
Thai Journal of Physiological Sciences, April 2004

Antitumour potential of a polysaccharide-rich substance from the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on sarcoma 180 ascites tumour in mice
Phytotherapy Research, December 2003

 An immunomodulatory polysaccharide-rich substance (Noni-ppt) from the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia has been found to possess both prophylactic and therapeutic potentials against the immunomodulator sensitive Sarcoma 180 tumour system. The antitumour activity of Noni-ppt produced a cure rate of 25%-45% in allogeneic mice and its activity was completely abolished by the concomitant administration of specific inhibitors of macrophages (2-chloroadenosine), T cells (cyclosporine) or natural killer (NK) cells (anti-asialo GM1 antibody). Noni-ppt showed synergistic or additive beneficial effects when combined with a broad spectrum of chemotherapeutic drugs, including cisplatin, adriamycin, mitomycin-C, bleomycin, etoposide, 5- fl uorouracil, vincristine or camptothecin. It was not beneficial when combined with paclitaxel, cytosine arabinoside, or immunosuppressive anticancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate or 6-thioguanine. Noni-ppt also demonstrated beneficial effects when combined with the Th1 cytokine, interferon gamma, but its activity was abolished when combined with Th2 cytokines, interleukin-4 or interleukin-10, thereby suggesting that Noni-ppt induces a Th1 dominant immune status in vivo. The combination of Noni-ppt with imexon, a synthetic immunomodulator, also demonstrated beneficial effects, but not when combined with the MVE-2 copolymer, a high molecular weight immunomodulator. It was also not effective when combined with interleukin-2 or interleukin-12. Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PMID: 14669249 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Inhibition of angiogenic initiation and disruption of newly established human vascular networks by juice from Morinda citrifolia (noni)
Angiogenesis, October 2003

A natural musaceas plant extract inhibits proteasome activity and induces apoptosis selectively in human tumor and transformed, but not normal and non-transformed, cells
International Journal of Molecular Medicine, August 2003

Regulation of anthraquinone biosynthesis in cell cultures of Morinda citrifolia,
Journal of Plant Physiology, June 2003

 goji l-vera acai curcuma centella ginseng ginkgo kruiden reishi cordysceps cat's claw samento

Morinda citrifolia: A Review on Noni
Scot Nelson, University of Hawaii at Manoa, April 2003

Medicinal uses or purported applications (contemporary, worldwide) Purported treatments for ailments including attention deficit disorder, addictions, allergies,

arthritis, asthma, brain problems, burns, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, digestive

problems, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, gout, hypertension, immune deficiency, infection, inflammation, jetlag, multiple sclerosis, muscle and joint pain, polio,

rheumatism, severed fingers, sinus, and veterinary medicine.

A cross-cultural study: anti-inflammatory activity of Australian and Chinese plants
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, March 2003

Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research,
Acta Pharmcologica Sinica, December 2002



Artikel 2000 BIO

Artikel ProfDr Westendorf uit Bio2 2009

Artikel WangMY Morinda Citrifolia Research